[Cinematic Director]

One of the lead creatives on a telltale-style Star Trek adventure game. Directed a team of cinematic artists and animators to create the title’s many, many cutscenes and gameplay sequences. I was heavily involved with the writing and design of the project. Also designed several of the core gameplay mechanics, free walking sections, puzzles, directed voice acting and wrote dialog.


SOLVE: An interactive mystery

[Narrative Designer]

Narrative Designer for a yet unreleased live action interactive narrative on the mobile platform. Worked with a team of writers to create the story and make it playable as a game. Worked on many aspects of the production from the editing bay to the set, guiding and molding the project.



[Creative Director]

Leader of the team that brought Clementine’s journey to a close. Ran a team of writers and designers, created the story and vision for the season, kept the production on track to realize said vision. Gave feedback and direction on all aspects of the game, from cinematography, voice acting, action design, music, animation, and so on.

Did writing/design work myself when needed. Communicated the vision of the project to exec staff and the team as a whole. Did many on and off camera interviews to promote the work of the team for the press.


the walking dead: the telltale definitive series

[Creative Director]

Lead a small team in creating a compilation of all Telltale “The Walking Dead” titles in a single package.

Played a variety of roles, from designing the look/feel of the menus, helped to concept the bonus features, took place in developer commentary recordings, implemented character gallery and voice line assets.

On request, provided marketing copy for Skybound Games to assist with their campaign to sell the product.


batman the telltale series: the enemy within

[Season Director]

[Episode Director] 201, 205

Designed the standard of presentation for the second season of Telltale’s Batman title. As Season Director, in addition to directing the first and last episodes myself, gave feedback to other directors and cinematic artists across the entire season in order to ensure a high standard of quality was achieved.

I was also heavily involved in the writing and design, writing dialog and constructing playable scenes. I pushed innovation in puzzle and action mechanics to add more interactivity wherever possible.

Worked with a team of live action stunt choreographers to create the action scenes, as well as designing how they would be made playable. Directed voice actors, performed mo-cap, planned the music.



[Season Director]

[Episode Director] 101, 105

Much the same as the above. Set the cinematic standard and designed action mechanics for the entire season, oversaw the world of cinematic directors, as well as directing the first and fifth episodes personally.

Wrote and designed multiple scenes myself.



[Episode Director] 101

Directed the first episode of the series, brought in as a closer to kick off the Michonne mini-series. Helped to design and execute new sequences in a fast paced re-write.


game of thrones: the telltale series

[Episode Director] 102, 104, 106

[Cinematic Artist]

Directed 3 episodes of the 6 part series. Managed a team of cinematic artists and animators to craft high quality cutscenes and gameplay sequences that stayed on brand. Worked directly with writers and designers to craft story and interactivity. Pushed the action mechanics of the series forward, implementing new systems for making fight scenes thrilling.

As the most consistent director on the series, set much of the visual quality standard that the rest of the season was held to.


the wolf among us

[Episode Director] 104

[Cinematic Artist]

Directed the fourth episode of Telltale’s “The Wolf Among Us” series. Ran a team of cinematic artists to convert writing and design into visuals and gameplay. Worked with every department to get the assets needed to build the game, and to keep the project within budget.

Did work as a Cinematic Artist on all other episodes of the series, crafting individual scenes at a high level of quality.